
Package plants and the Harties Hyacinth

Package plants and the Harties Hyacinth

Harties hyacinth, nutrients and package plants

Green Drops, Brown Drops and VIP's

Green Drops, Brown Drops and VIP's

Waste water treatment plants - Green drop accreditation

Wasted Warm Baths - Its your choice

Wasted Warm Baths - Its your choice

Here in 'die Bosveld', Bela Bela to be precise, we are quite unique.

Scotties Gift - South Coast wastewater crisis

Scotties Gift - South Coast wastewater crisis

Scottburgh water crisis and sewage treatment systems

Crafted Elegin - Elephant dung and gin

Crafted Elegin - Elephant dung and gin

It takes just one sip of this unique flavoured gin, to know you are tasting life . . .

Sewage and Organic Farming

Sewage and Organic Farming

Being pioneers meant that we didn't have many answers, but this allowed us to improvise as we go along.

South African Water Wizards

South African Water Wizards

So, where does South Africa rank in the water world of package plants ?

Blackwater Blackouts

Blackwater Blackouts

Blackwater Blackouts and on site sewage treatment plants.

Snake-oil Salesmen in the wastewater treatment industry

Snake-oil Salesmen in the wastewater treatment industry

The art of passing off sewage package plants that don't perform.

Scarab Balancing act

Scarab Balancing act

Scarab Balancing down under

Stinky on the S Coast

Stinky on the S Coast

Sewage stinks, right? But not from our sewage system.

Clarifying Clarifiers

Clarifying Clarifiers

Clarifying clarifiers - To be absolutely clear on this  . . . .

Solar Sewage Systems

Solar Sewage Systems

We installed a Scarab sewage system in 2016 and . . . .

Duck that Sucks - household cleaners that hurt

Duck that Sucks - household cleaners that hurt

Who remembers the TV commercial where the domestic worker pours ¼ bottle of Toilet Duck into the toilet?

Sceptic Cesspits and septic tanks

Sceptic Cesspits and septic tanks

Our government is a septic tank that needs flushing, but I digress.

Fluffy Waste Water -

Fluffy Waste Water -

Once had a Garmin GPS named Fluffy.  Sat up in the clouds somewhere,

Tradies & Trademarks

Tradies & Trademarks

One should not talk ill of the dead. So I wont. Mike is still alive.